2nd Grade Summary!

apple treeHi Parents and Students!

This is my first post for the year!  I want to say THANK YOU for all of the wonderful supplies you have sent in to support our classroom!  We really appreciate it.  They will be well-used throughout the upcoming weeks and months.

We are off to a really great start.  The children have been doing a great job creating a caring community of learners.  We are learning about our brains and how to calm them.  We are getting back into routines and firing up those brain cells!  We have even starting reading level assessments to make sure we are picking “Just Right” books.

In approximately 2 more weeks, we will be starting library.  Students will be allowed to check out 2 books.  One book will have to be a Reading Counts book, and the other book can be anything they are interested in.  Reading Counts starts this year.  This program takes the place of  the WEB reading your child did in 1st grade.  Every night they will come home with a library book to read in a baggy.  Your student will read their book at home that evening, and then come to school and sign up for a Reading Counts test on the computer.  This test will consist of 10 questions, checking your student’s comprehension of the book.  If your child passes the quiz, they return it to the library and get another one.  If they don’t pass the quiz, they have an opportunity to read the book again the next night, and then try again the next day.  More information will be coming home about this in the future.  Keep your eye out for a gallon size baggy and directions coming home.

Finally, we had fun making this I-Pick video for you below.  Be sure you check it out!

Have a great rest of the week and don’t forget school pictures are this Monday, Sept. 16th!!!      -Mrs. Q