Pizza Hut Book It Calendars!

October 1 is the start of our 2011-2012 Pizza Hut Book-it program.  This program runs from October, 2011 thru March, 2012.  Your child should be bringing home a calendar to keep track of their reading minutes.  This calendar has a goal on it.  At the end of the month, when they have reached their goal please send the signed calendar back to school and in return they will receive a coupon for a FREE Personal Pan Pizza to be used at any Pizza Hut with no other purchase necessary.  Please direct ALL questions to Mrs. VandenBerg (our School Librarian) at  Thank You!

Parents, we will use the Book It calendar instead of the calendar I sent home in your child’s Reading Counts baggy.  Just fill it in the same way and send it back to school at the start of the new month.  Your child will receive a Pizza Hut coupon for a free personal pan pizza and a treat from Mrs. Q!  Keep reading everybody!!!!

PS.  I will be looking for the yellow September calendar on Monday (10/3/11)!