Mileage Club

IMG_0014An event for our school is Mileage Club. Through prizes and popsicles we run miles on the track and in the gym.  You are able to challenge yourself to twenty miles (80 laps around the track.) You earn an extra recess and a popsicle party with the others who earned it! If you run ten miles or more, you get entered into a drawing. This year they added Dairy Friends, which are stuffed animals related to dairy products. As a tradition, we have been doing this for eight years and our gym teacher has been teaching us well.   We push to challenge to win drawings and cool prizes!  Each lap around the track is a quarter mile, and since we have been learning fractions, we know it means 1/4! We might get tired but as we found out, Maddie in our class, has earned 8 sticks, so 2 miles sticks are simply just popsicle sticks with stamps that say our school name.  Each stick represents 1 lap around the track, located by one of our schools playground and 4 laps equals one mile! Maddie likes soccer, so running is a nice thing to do for her and her practice.  So even though you might not love running or don’t have Mileage Club at your school it’s still nice to get out once in a while and jog as an award.  You will be very proud and push to the limits as we have been taught well by our gym teacher.  Just remember:

“Most of the important things in the whole world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all.”

-Dale Carnegie

By Bethany and Jennifer with help from Maddie with her facts and Talia who interviewed her.

Regions Project

Lately we’ve been doing our regions projects on google slides, and over the weekend our parents checked it over, and helped us improve. We will be getting our presentations checked and graded, and I hope we all get good grades. Cause all of you are absolutely awesome!! At least that’s my opinion. And if you’re not done, GET ON GOOGLE SLIDES AT HOME!!!!! The regions we have are southeast, southwest, midwest, west, and northeast. Here’s a picture of one of the west regions packets.

IMG_4950 By McKenna

A Fantastic February

IMG_4709We are going well into February, so far! We also got a load of snow over winter break that we did not expect! Jennifer, a girl from our class, is enjoying the winter snow, making the zip line even more slippery than normal! Right now in school, we are writing literary essays in writer’s workshop. In math, we are learning patterns. In gym, for the month of February, we are doing “Jump rope for heart” to help people with heart problems. In music, we are practicing for our field trip to Carnegie Hall. In art, we are working on clay pinch pots. Anyways, we are making valentines boxes to enter a contest. February is off to a great start!
By Bethany, Classroom Blogger

Our Christmas Party

IMG_4615Our christmas party was so much fun. There were four stations, each with a really fun activity. One had two games in one station; one game was feed santa and the other was make the rings land on the elf hat. Another station was take a picture with a sign that said “ho ho ho” or a Santa hat. The next station is make a ornament with strips of paper and a plastic ball. The next station was feasting on treats. At the end of it all, we watched a move called Christmas Odyssey and got packed up. It was a great party!

By Sam S.




IMG_4548Brendan is a great friend.
His favorite color is yellow.
His favorite sports are soccer and baseball.
His favorite game is ROBLOX PC.
His favorite food is hamburgers.
He loves American grill outs.
He came to Georgetown in 2013, he came from Alward elementary.
He loves to longboard.
His favorite college football team is CMU (Central Michigan University).
His favorite NFL team is Detroit Lions,and love the Detroit Tigers baseball team.
His favorite season is Winter.
He loves math and gym.
He loves to have snow ball wars with friends.

By Logan

Madelin’s Cute Guinea Pig

IMG_4487Today Madelin brought in her cute guinea pig because it was her birthday! So during our snack break her mom brought her guinea pig Faith in for her. She got to have Faith at school for the whole day. Her guinea pig is black with light brown and white spots. Her guinea pig’s name is Faith. We do lots of fun things with Faith. Today Madelin was even letting some people hold Faith. We loved having Faith in our classroom!

By Morgan IMG_4484

Mr. Bowen’s Classroom

pumpkimWe are switching for science and learning about the atmosphere. Mr.Bowen throws you mints if you answer a question right. He also loves to draw. He told us that he loves to sing. He gave us a science packet and we have been doing a lot of predictions. We did a prediction with gravity where he dropped a tissue and we had to make a prediction with gravity. Then he jumped and we had to compare where he jumps and where the tissue landed. He has dice in  a jar and shakes the jar to get our attention.

By: Mary