Just an Update!

Halloween childrenHi Students and Families!
A few things are coming up on the radar for our 4th Graders here at Georgetown. First just an announcement about our Halloween party. The party will be held on Thursday, Oct. 30th from 2:30-3:30 pm. I want to remind all students that at Georgetown, we have a policy of not bringing any play weapons of any type that go with our costumes to school. I also want to remind 4th Graders not to choose costumes that are overly scary looking. We have younger children that we are bus buddies with and others in the building, and we do not want to make them afraid. So please keep that in mind when choosing a costume for school that day. Finally, students will just bring their costume to school, and we will dress up for the party during our last recess of the day.

Report cards for the first trimester will be coming home that following Monday, November 3. We will also begin parent/teacher conferences that week. I look forward to meeting with all of you wonderful parents about your children. We have such a great group of kids! Georgetown will also be hosting a book fair that week. It will be open during the evening when parents may stop in to shop for books as well.

Lots of fun things to look forward to! Hope everyone has a great rest of their week!
-Mrs. Q

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