2 G Summary! 9/26/11

Hey Everyone!  Happy Sunday/Monday!  This is the 2 G Summary!  My nick name for the second grade update!  I will try to keep you updated each week with what is going on in our classroom!  We have lots to say – so here goes!

First, a big thank you for all of the supplies you have contributed to our classroom!  We could not make it without all of the wonderful donations from our families.  We will put it all to good use for sure!

Next, our Walk-a-Thon was a success on Thursday!  The rain held off and we were able to walk for 45 minutes to an hour!  Most students made their goals they had set for themselves!  Thank you again everyone for your contributions!  These days we are doing more with less and we are very thankful as a staff for your help!  Parents if your student is still collecting money for their packet, they can send it in this week.  (More pictures at the end of the post!)

Third, our field trip news!  I apologize everyone that I have not yet been able to notify those moms/dads that have been chosen as chaperones, due to waiting on background checks to be completed.  I was notified on Friday at the end of the day that those are now complete!  So I will be sending home notices to those parents who are chosen.  The kids and I will pull names from a hat.  Just a note, moms and dads, if you really want to come and you are not chosen, just plan to drive yourself or carpool with a few other moms and meet us there!  You may not be able to ride the hay wagon with us, due to room, however, Klackle’s has a great gift shop and lots of baked goods!  I’m SURE you will find some way to entertain yourselves while you wait for us!  🙂  The field trip is October 4th at Klackle’s Orchard in Greenville.

Now for our subjects we are learning in school!  Thank you for getting those homework packets in on Mondays or sooner!  Reading Counts is off to a good start!  Some answers to questions my wonderful students have asked are as follows:  Yes, books should be sent to school EVERY day.  That way your child can read them during Daily 5.  Yes, every student should be trying to read every night for at least 15 minutes!  The calendars can be sent in on Monday, Oct. 3rd.  And moms and dads, I am reminding your students daily that it is THEIR RESPONSIBILITY to get their things into their backpacks for school.  🙂  So often I hear, “my mom forgot to put it in.” 🙂

I will be contacting some parents to help on a weekly basis with Reading Counts tests.  I would need these parents to come in on Mondays or Thursdays at 3:00.  Please shoot me an email (lquigley@hpseagles.net) and let me know if this would be something you would like to do! Overall, all subjects are going well.  In math, practicing addition and subtraction facts would be EXTREMELY  helpful.  See the site I have listed under my blogroll for a good site to make your own flash cards.

Ok!  I think I have been very long-winded!!  Sorry about that!  I’ll try to be briefer in the days to come!  Have a great last week of September!        – Mrs. Q

Mrs. Q’s Update! 5/23/11

DSC_0028Wow Everyone!  Time is really going to go fast now!  I can hardly believe that we are down to the final 3 weeks of school.  What a phenomenal year!  Your children have grown so much!  I have mixed emotions.  I am sad that we are getting to the end.  I also feel so happy that we have really learned a lot of things that will help us on this journey we call life.  Next year everyone will only be across the hall from me, so I can still get hugs and check in with how each and every one of my students is doing.:)

A few final details:

This week is our last week for library.  Please hunt and dig for all of our school library books and send them in.  While you are looking, if you would check for my classroom books too, I would greatly appreciate that!  All of my books have my name in the front cover, so that’s how you will know if it is from our classroom.

This week is our last homework packet!  I know this will bring tears to everyone’s eyes, but yes, it has to be done.  NO MORE HOMEWORK PACKETS AFTER THIS WEEK!  So get this last one done as soon as you can and then you are free!!!  🙂

Please, please, please continue to read over the summer!!  Every student has made significant gains in their reading ability.  However, we do have data that proves that our reading skills go down over the summer if students do not read.   So please, parents, get your students involved in a summer reading program or offer an incentive yourself!  My own kids would earn their money to spend at the Hudsonville Fair by the number of books they read all summer long.  Just keep an easy chart to fill out on the fridge and have the kids keep track!  The more they read, the more they got to do at the fair!

Finally, for the last 11 days of school, beginning this Wednesday 5/25, we are going to celebrate the end of Second Grade by spelling out every letter of SECOND GRADE with an activity that corresponds to each letter.  Watch for a note coming home tomorrow 5/23, because we will need a few donations to help with that!

As always, I thank you for sending me the best kids in the world!  I just love all of you so, so much!

Mrs. Q

Miss Shima’s Update!

Hi Friends! I hope everyone is off to the start of a great week. I can hardly believe that spring break is only a week and a half away!

As I’m sure you have heard, our Matter Unit is under way. We have been learning about the states of matter, properties of matter, measuring matter in meters and in centimeters and today of course, we experimented with Oobleck! Is it a solid? Is it a liquid? Is it both? Ask your second grader what they think! If you are curious parents (which I know you are) Oobleck is made two parts corn starch/ 1 part water. You will know it is just the right consistency when you poke it and you can’t put your finger through it.

Despite the ginormous mess it made in our classroom today, it was all worth it when I hear the kids yelling, “I love science!!” and “This is the coolest thing EVER!” I know they had so much fun, and being hands on is what we are all about : )

Today a baggie with a small note attached to it was sent home. I hope you got it! If not, if you are able, please send to school by Friday or any day before, a small baggie filled with your child’s favorite dry snack. We will be making a class trail mix to learn about mixtures and solutions!

In writing we are currently having a Grammar Week. We have talked about sentences being composed of a subject and a verb; end punctuation includes periods, question marks, and exclamation points; and today we discussed the use of comma’s in a series. On the plate for the rest of the week: the use of commas after an introductory phrase, punctuation in dialogue; and learning what to do when you don’t know how to spell a word without breaking your line of thought. We will put it all together next week in a fun assignment!

This week we are also finishing up Unit 9 in Math, meaning we will test next week Wednesday. We will be doing review in class on Monday and Tuesday of next week, but keep practicing subtraction, story problems and counting money with your second grader! Throw them some change while you are cooking dinner and have them count it out for you!  Keep working on those quick subtraction facts below 20! (19-8; 12-3; 17-7 etc.)

Well I think that is all for now! Look for an update on Sunday for an over view of what is going on next week before Spring Break! Thanks for all you do and for keeping your second grader on track! Good luck in this yucky weather!

Miss Shima : )

Mrs. Q’s Update 2/25/11

IMG_2281Hi Parents!

Sure looking forward to seeing all of you next week and sharing progress about your student!  Wow!  We have grown leaps and bounds!  This is my favorite time of year because we see so much growth both socially and academically.

Just a few general notes:  when sending in a snack of any sort for birthdays or otherwise, it would be very helpful if you would send in the original bag that the treat came in so that we may get the nutritional information off of the bag. We have one student in which we need to know the carbs in every item before he can consume the treat.  So thank you in advance for doing that for us!

Also, I would like to say a big THANKS for all of the things everyone sent in for the “Dog Lover’s Basket”!!  Our basket looks phenomenal!!  I just want to put in a plug for bidding on the baskets during conferences.  All profits from the baskets go back directly to your child’s teacher.  Thank you for your support!!  Raffle tickets cost $1 each and will be on sale during lunches at school and during conferences.

Miss Shima, our student teacher from Hope college, will be starting to teach more and more.  She is doing a fantastic job and has such a good connection with the kids!  For 3-4 weeks, she will be in charge of the main instruction and I will function as her consultant.  I will also be working with the kids in small groups and one on one.  It’s a wonderful opportunity for the kids to be exposed to her fresh new ideas and insight!

Last of all I think I blew it and forgot to post last week’s BLOG BUSTER.  It’s been a busy week!  Just skip it for now and I’ll have a new one posted for next week!

Thanks and see you next week!    Love – Mrs. Q

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Mrs. Q’s Update 2/11/11

TN_02-02-09_7MfHi Everyone!  It sure has been a busy few weeks and I have a lot to report on today!  So here goes!

First, HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY to all!!  Monday will be our party from 1:00 – 2:00.  Most students have brought in their valentines to pass out to each other.  If you haven’t, that’s ok!  Just bring them in Monday morning!  AND we have a PIZZA PARTY that day!!  So don’t worry about packing a lunch for your second grader!

Also, February 17, will be the last day to contribute to our classroom basket raffle for conferences!  Our theme is “Dog Lovers“.  Thank you to the parents who have made contributions already!  You are so gracious!  All money made goes back into our classrooms and we teachers REALLY appreciate it!

Parents just a reminder to send a nutritious snack with your growing second grader.  Lately, we have had many students who tell me they have forgotten to put a snack in their bag.  The office does have snacks for emergency purposes; the occasional student who forgets.  But lately I have had students who forget their snack every day and then want to go down to the office.  So please encourage your second grader to pack their own snack the night before and that way no one forgets in the rush of the morning!

An email was sent out this week to let you know about our conference schedule coming up for February 28, March 1 & 2.  If you did not receive the email or could not open the document (sorry I forgot to make it a PDF!), please email me and let me know and I can send you the time and date.  We are using the same day/time from fall conferences.

Last of all, there is a Math Information Night for Parents being held this coming week on Feb. 17 from 7:00 – 8:00 in the High School Auditorium.  This is on our new Math Expressions math program.  It will explain the program and offer you some practical resources to assist your child.

Ok!  Phew!  That’s all for now!  Have a great weekend and I’ll see most of you on Monday at the party!

Love – Mrs. Q  🙂TN_VD33B

Mrs. Q’s Update 1/24/11

DSC_0054Brrr!  It’s so cold outside!  Because of this, we have a lot of sickness going around.  Please be sure to stay home when sick and take care of yourself!  I feel so sorry for the kids when they are having a hard time just being present when they don’t feel good.  I need to listen to my own advice as well, as I have a bad cold too.  It won’t be long and we’ll be seeing spring around the corner!  We’ve got to hang in there!

Right now in math, we are talking about time.  Hopefully, you are seeing your second grader begin to understand how analog clocks work.  Please review 5 minute increments with them on the clock.  The more practice at home, the quicker the concepts take root.  This week, we begin talking about 1 minute increments.  This can be a challenge for some!  In time, all will begin to understand and “lightbulbs” will go on!

We had our first “Chapter Book Club” lunch on Friday!  Six kids made it!  I can’t wait to have lunch with everyone as they make their 10 punches.  It’s a highlight of my week!

In social studies, we are talking about being a good citizen and our responsibilities as citizens.  We have had some great conversations as a class! Ask your student their responsibilities to their community and others!

Finally, thank you parents for your help in getting supplies ready for your student’s “How To” presentations!  I am looking forward to seeing these!  It should be a good experience for your student.

Have a great week!  -Mrs. Q

“Twas the Week Before Christmas”

Hi Everyone!

Can you believe it?  That it is already the week before Christmas break?  Wow!  This fall has flown by!  We have so many good things going on in school!  First of all, I was blown away by all the scores really going up in Reading Counts!  I am so thrilled at the progress that each and every student is making!

Some “student led” learning has been taking place, as the students have been researching a topic of their own choice during our Daily 5 reading time.  This started with a group of students who wanted to do some research on dinosaurs.  I felt they could handle it.  They did a phenomenal job and presented the information to the class.  This prompted the rest of the kids to say, “Hey, I want to do that!”  So taking their cue, I let them pick partners and topics and talked about non-fiction and what research is.  They dove into it and will soon have some wonderful information to share with their classmates!  In fact, we had a few extra minutes the other day and I asked the students if they wanted to play a game or research.  They overwhelmingly chose research!! You just gotta love this class!!!!!  🙂  Here are a few pictures from that day!

Just one more note about spelling this week.  No words this week!  We will review the 10 lists of words we have had.  I should mention that your student will now be accountable for ALL of the words we have had.  Those are 50 words that he/she should be spelling correctly ALL THE TIME.  This is why you will see your student’s grade lowered if they misspelled a word from a previous list on a current quiz.  Thank you for your help at home with studying!

I just want to wish my students and their families a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!  Have a wonderful holiday and my very best to all of you!  With much love – Mrs. Quigley

Mrs. Q’s Update 12/3/10

TN_04-09-09_37MBOh the joys of winter weather!  Along with icy roads and freezing temperatures, come lots of winter clothing for students!  Moms and dads, it would sure help me if you could label everything as best as you can!  We have 27 pairs of boots, hats, gloves, scarves, snowpants and jackets!  That’s a lot to keep track of!  One good idea I have seen for hard-to-label items is to use masking or duct tape on the inside and write on that.  Even just initials help us identify whose black snowpants these are!  Also, encouraging your children to zip their own coats helps too.  Second grade is all about encouraging independence, so this is a good place to start!

An announcement to note for next Friday, Dec. 10, is that your students have earned a pizza party!!  I told the class if we could all make our goals for Reading Counts, I would treat them to pizza!  So don’t send a lunch next Friday, unless your little one doesn’t like pizza.  We’ll have pizza, drinks, and watch a special movie for lunch that day!

Our Holiday Party will be held on December 17th, from 1:00 – 2:00.  A red note was sent home about how we are doing our class gift exchange.  You may also check last week’s update if you missed the note.

I sure hope you are enjoying December!  It is easy to get caught up in hub-bub of preparation.  I know I personally, am trying to slow down, enjoy the lights and music, and celebrate the reason for the season!

Happy Holidays!  -Mrs. Q

Mrs. Q’s Update 11/07/10

Greetings students and families!!Cornucopia_6

Can you believe Thanksgiving is just 2 and a half weeks away?!  Wow!  Time is sure flying!  It was so great meeting with all parents this past week.  I just love conferences because we get a chance to talk about how your child is learning and the progress he or she is making!  Every child in my classroom is special.  I am grateful that I am their teacher.  We have many wonderful things to learn and much to look forward to!

Thank you to the parents who have volunteered to help out with our Math Game Day on Nov. 23.  We now have enough parents to help out with the games!  I will be emailing those parents with the details for that day.

Reading Counts ends on Nov. 29 for this trimester. Almost every one has already made their goal.  And those students who haven’t, don’t worry!  We will “get ‘er done” as one popular comedian likes to say!  🙂  Immediately on Nov. 30th, the next trimester starts, and students will have a new goal to achieve.  We will also re-test to see who can be moved up.  Sometimes second graders don’t understand that they are starting over again for the new trimester.  It will help me, parents, if you can explain that they will now get a new goal to work towards.

One other note, everyone, is that “Poetry Academy” starts this week! This is a program that will help your student become more fluent in their reading.  On Wednesdays, I have parent volunteers that will be helping your child choose a poem for the week. Students will bring their poem home and store it in their “take home folder” on the “return to school” side.  Your child will need to read their poem 10 times throughout the week.  Each time your student reads their poem, please sign their poem paper. Students who practice their poems 10 times will earn a ticket towards School Store!  Watch for the first poem and directions coming home this Wednesday, Nov. 10th!

Have a great week!

Mrs. Q  🙂


Mrs. Q’s Update!

tn_118kidwithflowerHi Parents!
I cannot believe that the end of the year is winding down so quickly! Just a few notes for everyone!

If you would, please check your homes for any library books and any books that might be from our classroom and send those back in to school next week.

Yes, it is true, the kids have earned a game day and we will be having some fun with that next Friday, June 4th.  Your student may bring in a game (electronic ones are ok too, with your permission!) to play with friends here at school.

Also, our end of school field day will be Wednesday, June 9.  Students will be outdoors most of the day, so a water bottle and sun screen will be essential!

We are also fitting in some summer birthdays, so if your child would like to bring in a snack for their birthday treat, I gave the kids those dates this week.

I hope everyone has a wonderful, fun, and restful Memorial Weekend!

Mrs. Q

Mrs. Q’s Update!

77-985443778Dear Class Families,

First, let me apologize in that I haven’t written a class update recently!  Time is just flying by this spring!  I hope to get everyone up to speed with this blog posting.

A few upcoming events:

Our Spring Carnival is Saturday, May 15th!  All second graders will need to bring in baked goods for the cake walk.  (See blog post from Apr. 25.)

Our field trip to Meijer Gardens is Monday, May 17th.  We do have our Mom chaperones already for the field trip.  If you would still like to go, you may, just drive yourself and meet us there.  You will also have to pay the full admission price.   Your student will need a totally disposable sack lunch for that day.  He/she should also dress in layers as we will be outside for part of the day.  Also all money for the field trip ($5.00 for each student) needs to be turned in by Monday, May 3rd.

Just Write Celebration is May 24th from 1-2:00 p.m. Come in for a celebration of the wonderful writing our students have done this year!

Last day of Reading Counts for this year is May 7th.  I will be tallying up Raz Kids points this week (perfect quizzes on Raz Kids count for points too!)  and I will let your student know if they are still short points.

Last day for our student teacher, Miss Geerlings is Friday, May 7th.  😉  She has done a great job and we will miss her!

No school on May 31 – Memorial Day.

TN_4-09-07_23aWe have been enjoying so much great weather this spring!  I hope that in spite of how fast it is going, it has been very enjoyable for all of you.  I can’t believe that we are getting so close to the end already!  We’ve been reviewing for the MEAP so students know what to expect for next year!

I will start reading testing again for the end of the year scores.  We only have 1 unit of math left to do and then we will review some of the tougher concepts like double digit subtraction.  We will end our science this year with a unit on plants.

Please be sure to fill out the student survey for your student for next year if you have not already done so.  (Located further on down the page.)

If you have any questions please feel free to email or call!  It is always a pleasure to be your child’s teacher!

With love, Mrs. Q