Happy Memorial Day!

tn_118kidwithflowerHi Parents!

It seems it’s been a while since I have posted and I apologize for that!  So much is going on for us here at Georgetown!  Wow!  It seems like we are speeding down a steep hill to the end of this year!  First, I want to say a big “thank you” to those moms who came faithfully every week to help our class do Reading Counts!  Without you, it would have been even harder to get all of our students in for their quizzes on a daily basis.  Thank you also to the moms who planned and volunteered for our parties!  The kids love it when you get involved!  Thank you to all of you parents who provide such a beautiful “Teacher Appreciation Week”.  I sure feel pampered during that week!  And most of all, thank you for sending me the best kids in the world!  I am going to miss them so much next year!!

Two Important Items:  Next week Thursday, 5/30, we are making a swap in our Second Grade Countdown.  Instead of Dessert Day, we are making it Donut Day!  So if you are a mom who volunteered to donate donuts, could you please send them next Thursday, 5/30?  I will send you an email as a reminder!  We will save our trip to “What’s the Scoop” until the second to the last day of school.

Also, your student will need a paper grocery sack with their name on it for the second to the last day of school.  You can send these in any time and I will save them up until that day.

Don’t forget!  Tonight is the School Carnival if you can make it!

And June 6th, all families are invited to have a lunch picnic outdoors with us from 12:00 to 1:00 on the last day.

Have a great Memorial weekend!!  Love, Mrs. Q