No Spelling – Happy Thanksgiving!!

turkeyHi Parents and Students!!

Happy Thanksgiving!!  As a little breather over the next 2 weeks, we will not have spelling words to study for!  You will also notice that our homework packet is a little lighter for this week, and NO homework for next week!!  Woot-Woot!!

We will be celebrating “Diversity Day” on next week Tuesday (Nov. 26)!  This is a day where we give thanks for our ancestors and where our families came from!  You will see an explanation attached to the homework packet this week.  Families, we are asking that if you have any interesting pictures, foods, clothing, or etc. to send in that shows some of your family history, we would greatly appreciate it!  This is an opportunity to let your student shine, as they will be presenting in front of the class your history, family traditions, and etc.!  If you could please sent these things in by Monday, Nov. 25th, we promise we will take good care of everything and get them back to you by the end of Tuesday.  Food can be sent in the morning of.  Thanks so much for helping your second grader learn and share about their family histories.

Have a safe and wonderful Thanksgiving everyone!  -Love, Mrs. Q and Miss D

Diversity Day Reminder


Just a reminder that tomorrow, Monday, Dec. 13, we are celebrating Diversity Day!  In social studies, we are studying about our country and how we are a “melting pot” made up of many ethnicities.  Your child is invited to bring in anything relating to his/her ancestor’s backgrounds!  Pictures, food, money, clothing – all items are welcome to bring to share in our celebration of our commonalities and our differences!  We will have a show and tell of sorts, and find the countries of our ancestors on our big classroom map.  Thank you for sharing your family’s culture with us!!