Great Student Blogs!

Hi Families and Students!  Just a reminder that if you have not been on your student’s blog or their friends in quite a while, you are going to want to check them out!  You can see what books they are reading, how Valentines Day originated and more!  Stay tuned because next students are interviewing each other.  Read on to see what your students are writing about on their blogs these days!

A New Way to Study Vocabulary

We have been learning tons of new vocabulary in our economics unit in social studies.  Words like “profit”, “scarcity”, “supply”, “demand”, “consumer”, “producer” and more can be hard to remember. Today we invited Mrs. Huizenga’s class to come and play Quizlet with us, a cool computer game we play in teams to learn the vocab.  Here’s a snippet of what it’s like to play! We have a blast!


Quizlet from Lynn Quigley on Vimeo.


Nut Free Snacks and Birthday Treats

nutfree2Hi Parents and Students!  This is just a friendly reminder to look on the left side of our classroom blog for the page on acceptable nut free snacks and birthday treats to send into school. We do have a student with nut allergies in our classroom.  In order to protect this student, I am asking all students to choose snacks from the list on the “nut free snack suggestions” blog page to eat during snack break. Please be mindful of this and do not send anything for snack that has nuts or peanut butter.  We may NOT have home-made birthday treats either. If you would like to send a treat for your child’s birthday, please carefully read the labels on pre-packaged treats and if they are nut-free or not processed on equipment that may have had nuts, then they are acceptable. You may also send non-food items for birthday surprises like pencils, erasers, or small toy items. Thank you so much for cooperating with us on this matter!

*However, you may still send your “nutty” 4th grade children to school.  I will definitely accept them!!  LOL


First Full Week Back to School!

IMG_4044It’s been a great first week with my AWESOME fourth graders!  They work hard and want to learn.  I’m impressed with their desire to be a part of a learning community!  We have instituted “Behavior Bucks”. Whenever I see students taking responsibility for themselves and their learning, they get a “Behavior Buck”.  These will be good for treats at our school store on Fridays. I have seen these kids show compassion to each other when someone drops a pencil box and several students help out.  I have seen a lot of care given to Mrs. Wert’s Pre-K class as we walk them to the bus.  Everyone cares about the students who are absent and also about helping their next door neighbor who might not understand a concept.  Wow!  It’s great to be a part of this here at school!  Keep up the good work guys!! Love, Mrs. Q

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