Livin’ in the USA!

Screen Shot 2015-03-21 at 7.19.06 AMHello quadbloggers, students, and families!  Just a quick post to make you aware of a new page that has been added to our classroom blog!  It’s our “Regions of the USA” page.

What Are Regions?


Our 4th graders have been learning about the 5 major regions of the United States in social studies. Our country is so big, it can be divided down into smaller regions and this makes it easier for us to study and learn about the culture, climate, landforms, natural resources, products, and landmarks of each area.  Some geographers divide it into even smaller regions. The 5 major regions we have studied are the northeast, southeast, midwest, west and southwest regions of the U. S. We worked hard to research lots of neat facts about the area we were each assigned. We also learned some awesome new technology skills as well!

Cool! How Do I Get There?

Just use our page guide (as the image at the top of this post shows) to click on the page and then you will see each student listed in our class. Click on their name and you will see the hard work each student did creating a google slide presentation. 

Regions Project

Lately we’ve been doing our regions projects on google slides, and over the weekend our parents checked it over, and helped us improve. We will be getting our presentations checked and graded, and I hope we all get good grades. Cause all of you are absolutely awesome!! At least that’s my opinion. And if you’re not done, GET ON GOOGLE SLIDES AT HOME!!!!! The regions we have are southeast, southwest, midwest, west, and northeast. Here’s a picture of one of the west regions packets.

IMG_4950 By McKenna