Regions Project

Lately we’ve been doing our regions projects on google slides, and over the weekend our parents checked it over, and helped us improve. We will be getting our presentations checked and graded, and I hope we all get good grades. Cause all of you are absolutely awesome!! At least that’s my opinion. And if you’re not done, GET ON GOOGLE SLIDES AT HOME!!!!! The regions we have are southeast, southwest, midwest, west, and northeast. Here’s a picture of one of the west regions packets.

IMG_4950 By McKenna

Classroom Blogger – McKenna!!!

Today is music.  Tomorrow is gym.  Today people from Taiwan came and they did a puppet show.  I didn’t know what they were saying, but it was cool!  They let us keep the really pretty puppets!  They were the prettiest puppets I have ever seen!

The Christmas program is November 27 and I might not be able to be there because I am getting surgery.  I am getting my tonsils out.  I’m happy I am getting my tonsils out because then I’ll stop snorting.